Crypto News The Epic Bitcoinitix Saga The Epic Bitcoinitix Saga

The Corona pandemic has left economies paralyzed and aspirations of people shattered. It is no surprise that this recessionary phase of the economy has left people all over the world looking for alternative methods of making money. However, a war of this kind can not be won with fiat currencies alone. That is where cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, emerge as Saviour. They are like a light at the end of the tunnel. There is live evidence where Bitcoin has not only shaped but transformed the lives of the masses that got somersaulted in this Covid-19 phase.

The Digital World has contributed immensely to this transformation, making it possible for the users of Cryptocurrencies, for instance, Bitcoin, to Click-Pay-Buy (CPB) on various transaction portals. This wave of the transaction has spread massively to merchants, institutions, households, and companies alike, increasing Bitcoin’s mass adoption. The robust algorithmic blockchain base not only makes the use of Bitcoin safe from potential threats but also makes the users trade smartly with no intrusions from any third-party like banks or governments, nor interventions of any government policy or regulations.

Bitcoin and Coinitix: A Meaningful Amalgam

Amongst many transaction portals, one well-known and trustworthy name happens to be that of Coinitix is a safe haven for all those wishing to buy Bitcoin, and all with the power of “Master” or “Visa” with the below-mentioned benefits, to name a few:

  • Ease and Flexibility in the use of this platform make it a choice of the masses. One needs no special training nor any expert mediator to learn using Coinitix to buy Bitcoins.
  • Rapid-fire rounds are not just a feature of a quiz show but also a synonym for lightning-fast payment process under Coinitix. Without waiting for any queues or ATM Machine lines, you have the privilege of buying or transacting your favorite currencies through the click of a button.
  • Competitive payout structure of Coinitix is so designed that there is no load on you, and the commission is valid for all transactions alike without any differentiation or segmentation.
  • Consistency in authentication is something you could always rely on Coinitix for. No wonder when you partner with a technology-oriented and technology-amalgamated platform, you can be sure of that one thing, “Time Management.”
  • Personalized support, which comes 24/7 and totally free at your beck n call, is another attraction here. You can reach the Coinitix team of experts via phone, live chat, and email for instant help. The dedicated team of professionals is always by your side to help you navigate through any process you need assistance with.
  • As a licensed user and being a fully regulated platform, Coinitix comes with an assurance of utmost safety. So your Bitcoins are safe, especially because they have been transacted over an alphanumeric address that alters every transaction with a secret pin (like your bank One Time Password), making doubly sure your hard-earned money is safe at all times.
  • The see-through fee structure of Coinitix projects the Mission of this esteemed portal. The authentic reputation earned by this platform is not a media hype, but a truly earned credit purely based on keeping transparency on all accounts, including fee structure candid, intact.

Your Bitcoin: Get Set Go:

Transaction on Coinitix is as Pick-Click-Pay

All you need to do is to create an account to register yourself as an authentic user. This would call for your filling up a normal form, giving your name, address, and email id. Post verification of your KYC credentials, which is a fast process, you can transact your Bitcoins, putting your preferences for the mode of payment, say, for instance, through a Debit or credit card issued by a reputed bank.

Even nodal organizations like the Central Bank of Europe and Asian Development Bank have started evaluating cryptocurrencies with a special view on Bitcoin. Coinitix has only allayed your crypto worries. As always, the queries keep brimming, but Coinitix has all answers.


Marjorie Glover
About author

Marjorie Glover is a news editor and writer with a special interest in business and finance. She holds graduate degree in journalism and working as a news writer for FinanceKnown. In her spare time, She usually roaming around with friends.
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